Dragonspawn Legacy Character List

Many of our fans have asked us to publish a character list. Since it is ever-changing, we have decided to put it here! (Please excuse the formatting, this blog really hates me...Rebecca)


SAINT FLORIANPatron Saint of firefighters. Also known as the Master of Fire and Water, or the Saint of Fire and Flood.

SAINT MICHAEL – Archangel and leader of the Army of God.



MATTA’AINE /mah-TAHN-yah/ Purebred Fomoriian. Commander of Guinevere’s Fomoriian Army.



Common/True Dragons

A’NEIRIN /a-NEER-in/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.

BRINDLE – Common Dragon in the service of Camelot.

GJEMLIR /zhem-LEER/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.

JONH’PRE /ZHAHN-prah/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.

KIMEROS /KIM-er-oss/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.

LIRAH /LEER-uh/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.

PEIREN’NE /per-IN-yah/Avalon Lake Dragon.

QWYN’HIS /KWIN-iss/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.

RHA’MAENTA /rah-MAYN-tah/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.

SELENE /sah-LEEN/ – Common Dragon in the service of Avalon.

SE’REN /SAY-ren/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.

SI’ANN /SY-an/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.

ZAL’COUX /zal-SUE/ – Common Dragon contacted by the Council during the Quest Dream.


Council Dragons

ARKADY /ar-KAY-dee/ – Queen of the Council, mate of Faigan. Protector of the Guardians of Men, creator of the Arkadian Protectors. Ancestor of the MacLovatt family.

CéVAER /suh-VAIR/ – Strategist of the Council.

DINARA /dih-NAHR-ah/ – Council member.

DRA’SHEAA /druh-SHAY-uh/ – Council member, paramour of Leodegrantz, mother of Guinevere. Died in childbirth.

FAIGAN /FAY-gan/ – King of the Council, mate of Arkady. Father of Merlin, ancestor of Tatiana Richfield.

JAREDH /JAIR-id/ – Warlord of the Council and father of Uther Pendragon.

MAELMAEDOC /MALE-muh-doc/ – Smith of the Council.

MICAH /MY-kuh/ – Transcriber of the Council.

NIXAU /NEE-shau/ – Council member, mate of Razier.

PICCOLO – Messenger of the Council, only surviving original child of Kierkegaard and Thaddeus.

RAZIER /rah-ZEER/ – Council member, mate of Nixau.

SHA’HPAAR /shah-PAR/ – Herald of the Council. Youngest Council member.

UTHER /OO-thur/ – Former Council Dragon who gave up his place on the Council to marry a Human woman and sire King Arthur.

VAITARE /vy-TAR-ee/ – Council member. Ancestor of Jasin Támariz.

ZAETA’AR /zay-TAY-ar/ - Council member.


Deity Dragons

KIERKEGAARD /KEER-kih-gard/The Dragon Mother, creator of the Council Dragons, mother of Lancelot.

THADDEUS Fallen Deity Dragon. Former mate of Kierkegaard, paramour of Morgan le Fay and Guinevere, father of Mordred and Banczack.


Elemental Dragons

IEHOLAS /eye-YOL-as/ – Lady of the Winds, Keeper of the Realms. Female Air Elemental.

KRYL /krill/ – Lord of the Waters, Keeper of the Waves. Male Water Elemental.

LLAUKRYS /LAU-kris/ – Lord of the Earth, Keeper of the Land. Male Earth Elemental.

SHO’QUI /show-KWEE/ – Lord of Fire, Keeper of the Flames. Male Fire Elemental.


False Dragons

SARVEAUX /sar-VOH/Leader of the False Dragons, paramour of Banczack.



ACHIUS /AY-kee-us/ Leader of the Elven Freedom Fighters

AETRA /AY-tra/ – Daughter of King Zebulon

ARION /AIR-ee-on/ Crown Prince of the First Hall of Elves. Son of Elf King Zebulon.

DWYVEN /DWY-vin/ Captain of the Elven Freedom Fighters.

GIDEON /GID-ee-in/ An Elf of the First Hall, nephew of Elf King Zebulon.

GRUÜLE gru-YOU-lah/Achius’s advisor and paramour, member of the Elven Freedom Fighters.

OQQUA /Aqua/ Elf, Captain of the Guard, part of the Elven Freedom Fighters.

TADINI /ta-DEE-nee/ Elf of the Sixth Hall.

ZEBULON /ZEB-you-lahn/ High King of the Elves, Lord of the First Hall. Father of Arion and uncle of Gideon.


GARGANTUA – A giant in King Arthur’s service.



BRAN – Lion Halfling.

CEBU – Minotaur.

CET – Lion Halfling. Littermate to Larzz and Leeza.

CORREY – Minotaur.

DINAS – Lion Halfling.

KESTRELLizard Halfling in the Halfling realm’s group of freedom fighters.

LARZZ – Lion Halfling. Littermate to Cet and Leeza.

LEEZA – Lion Halfling. Littermate to Cet and Larzz.

PENRHIMAGEGriffin in the Halfling realm’s group of freedom fighters.

STAAD – Lizard Halfling  in the Halfling realm’s group of freedom fighters.

TAR – Minotaur in the Halfling realm’s group of freedom fighters.

TUK – Albino lion Halfling.



AGRAVAINE OF ORKNEY – Oldest son of Morgan le Fay and King Lot, brother to Gawaine, Gareth, and Gaheris. Lover of Guinevere, half-brother of Mordred.

ap DAFYDD, OlwenWelsh weapons master at Camelot.

AUGUSTUS, MarcusCatholic priest that helps Kira escape from Cailleach-Dubh and becomes the parish priest at Camelot.

badh-CATHA, KroninCaptain of the Guard at Cailleach-Dubh.

BANCZACKPrince of Dark Realm Britain. Son of Thaddeus and Guinevere, half-brother of Guierin.

BEDIVERE – Knight of the Round Table, King Arthur’s marshal.

BULLOCK, AengusKing of the Western Isles in Scotland

BULLOCK, CedwickPrince of the Western Isles in Scotland; son of Aengus.

CAISon of Sir Ectorius. King Arthur’s foster brother and Camelot’s seneschal.

de GANIS, Bors – Knight of the Round Table

de la CARTAGENA, Valderas Rubio – Prince of Andalusia

duLAC, LancelotPrince and son of King Ban of Benwick and Elaine the White (Kierkegaard in thra’akine form). King Arthur’s Captain of Horse, husband of Jasin, father of Kira and Talon.

FLINTBowmaster of Avalon.

GAHERIS OF ORKNEYThird son of King Lot of Orkney and paramour Morgan Le Fay; brother of Agravaine, Gawaine, and Gareth; half-brother of Mordred.

GARETH OF ORKNEY– Youngest son of King Lot of Orkney and paramour Morgan Le Fay; brother of Agravaine, Gawaine, and Gaheris; half-brother of Mordred.

GAWAINE OF ORKNEY– Second son of King Lot of Orkney and paramour Morgan Le Fay; brother of Agravaine, Gaheris, and Gareth; half-brother of Mordred.

GUIERINPrince of Dark Realm Britain. Son of Mordred and Guinevere, half-brother of Banczack.

GUINEVEREQueen of Dark Realm Britain. Daughter of Leodegrantz of Camyliard, Ruler of Cailleach-Dubh. Mistress of Mordred and Thaddeus, mother of Banczack and Guierin.

LOT OF ORKNEYKing of Orkney, son of Thaddeus, paramour of Morgan le Fay. Father of Agravaine, Gawaine, Gareth, and Gaheris.

le FEY, MorganDark arts sorceress. Half-sister to King Arthur, paramour of Thaddeus and Lot of Orkney.  Mother of Agravaine, Gawaine, Gaheris, and Gareth (with Lot) and Mordred (with Thaddeus).

le SAVAGE, Balan – Knight of the Round Table

le SAVAGE, Balin – Knight of the Round Table

LEODEGRANTZ Scottish King of Camyliard, Paramour of Council Dragon Dra’sheaa (in thra’akine form), father of Guinevere, public relations director of Pendras Engineering.

LOHENGRIN – Son of Percival and Lord of the Grail Castle

LUCANKing Arthur’s valet.

MacLOVATT, James Alexander – Scotsman and Arkadian Protector of the Royal Family. Oxford professor of Norse mythology, father of Rowan MacLovatt.

MacLOVATT, Rowan James – Scotsman and Arkadian Protector of the Royal Family. Son of Rowan MacLovatt, consort of Princess Thalia of Camelot.

MAHELOASLeader of the Avalon Druids.

MAKRIDES, Carson (“Kit”)Security chief of the Stronghold.

McINTYRE, CalenusAbusive father of Reno McIntyre.

McINTYRE, RenoJase and Tash’s loyal squire turned historian.  Information technology genius at the Stronghold.

MERLINLegendary necromancer, Arthur’s counselor, son of Faigan.

mo dAMHÁN, MallumnHealer at Cailleach-Dubh; paramour of Guinevere.

MORDREDSon of Thaddeus and Morgan le Fay.

MORVERN, DarmanianChampion and right hand of King Aengus Bullock.

O’DONNELL, Dalton PhillipYounger of Jase and Ian O’Donnell’s twin sons; youngest child in the O’Donnell family. Nicknamed “Book” by his brothers (after the defunct B. Dalton Booksellers) due to his studious nature.

O’DONNELL, Ian William – Husband of Jase in present day, father of Sterling and Dalton O’Donnell.

O’DONNELL, Kira MariaDaughter of Jase and Lancelot; second oldest child in the O’Donnell family; twin of Talon O’Donnell.

O’DONNELL, Sterling IanOlder of Jase and Ian O’Donnell’s twin sons. Nicknamed “Silver” by his brothers.

O’DONNELL, Talon AndrewSon of Jase and Lancelot; oldest child in the O’Donnell family; twin of Kira O’Donnell. Nicknamed “Claw” by his brothers.

PELLINOREKing of Listinoise, Knight of the Round Table, father of Elaine and father-in-law of Sir Percival.

PENDRAGON, ArthurHigh King of Britain and ruler of Camelot, CEO of Pendras Engineering, owner of the Stronghold, husband of Tatiana Richfield, father of Torin Pendragon and Thalia Richfield.

PENDRAGON, Torin ArthurFirst-born son of Arthur and Tash.

PERCIVALKnight of the Round Table, father of Lohengrin, son-in-law of Pellinore.  Tash’s best friend at Camelot next to Jase.

RAND, Calden (“Cal”)Chemical engineer at the Stronghold.  Adopted brother of Paul Rand and boyfriend of Min Xhiang.

RAND, PaulInformation technology engineer at the Stronghold.  Cal Rand’s adopted brother.

RAVENCROFT, FearghasSquire of King Aengus Bullock of Scotland, son of Bullock’s Marhaus Ravencroft.

RAVENCROFT, Marhaus – Captain of Horse for King Aengus Bullock, father of Fearghas Ravencroft.

RICHFIELD, Tatiana Ellen (“Tash”)One of the two original chosen Champions of Camelot (along with Jasin Támariz).  High Queen of Camelot, wife of King Arthur, mother of Torin Pendragon and Thalia Richfield.

RICHFIELD, Thalia Elizabeth – Daughter of Tash Richfield and King Arthur; consort of Rowan MacLovatt.

RYDERLance and sword master of Avalon.

TALBOT, AlexTash’s co-worker at the Avalon Literary Corporation.

TÁMARIZ, Jasin Alexis (“Jase”)One of the two original chosen Champions of Camelot (along with Tatiana Richfield).  Wife of Ian O’Donnell and Lancelot duLac, mother of Talon and Kira O’Donnell (with Lancelot), mother of Sterling and Dalton O’Donnell (with Ian).

VIVIANLady of the Lake and ruler of Avalon.

WEBB, Marisa Jase and Tash’s loyal ladies’ maid at Camelot.

XHIANG, Min WeiHead of the Transrealm Morphigation Project at the Stronghold. Cal’s girlfriend.

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