Monday, December 11, 2023

Jolly Holidays!

Oh, my good dear sweet baby Jesus, what a year we’ve had. First, the great news – Sales, sales, and more sales, thanks mostly to the ever-loving persistence of my dear Rya, who just loves to set up tents in the heat of southern Florida, pawning books and magnets and stickers and other cool swag to the uninitiated. They kept coming back, though – to pick up the next book, and then the next one! For the first time since 2015, we actually had to pay a good-sized TAX RETURN for the income we received! So major kudos to Rya for her determination on her sales acumen! Meanwhile, I, who still has to show up at a job (2 years to go until retirement, though), but also prefers to loiter in the back shadowy corners and let Rya have her sunny way with the public, have happily fiddled with the social media pages and the TeeSpring store (We’ve added a lot of stuff there, by the way, go check it out – Either way, folks have taken notice, we have accumulated several new fans, and we thank you all!

Okay, Book 7 news. We are heavy into Book 7, I promise. The cover is planned, the Ouroboros is already designed, and I’ve actually managed to contribute several chapters to the cause. We know we are way, way behind. But, dammit, LIFE! Life just keeps interfering in the worst way! In addition to work, most of my summer was taken up with requests from my family needing help in everything from driving to appointments (an adventure in itself, as I can’t find my way out of a paper bag) to paying bills to moving patio furniture (which was never used, but it made said family member happy). Thanksgiving was a major bust due to a family member being diagnosed with a brain tumor that needed removal at once, so I had to navigate to Baltimore for the surgery. (I do not recommend this, especially in the dark.) This left me a bigger wreck than the actual emergency. Several days of driving let me pick out landmarks that left my family members in stitches (“Sad Adult McDonalds,” “Hairy Armpit Cemetery,” etc.) and I actually managed to drive to Johns Hopkins Hospital one day without any issue – under supervision from the husband and mother, but I did it, and that has got to be my biggest accomplishment this year. Doesn’t sound that big to others, but like I said – I can’t find my way out of a paper bag! So our suggestion? Read Books 1-6 over…and leave us reviews online…and keep being patient!

At least my Christmas shopping is done. I’m an early shopper, I don’t like to wait until December 24 to scramble around. I loathe having to set foot in Walmart any time of the year, but Walmartians at Christmas are the very devil. I swear they’re waiting for me in my room in hell. Everything is wrapped (thank you, Amazon gift wrapping!), and my Christmas cards are sitting here on my desk, ready to go out. My biggest gift is my family member with the now-removed brain tumor, who gets to be here for Christmas and is doing well.

So here’s to 2024 – we hope to have a new book out for you, if we can find ways to avoid the road blocks of life! Happiest of holidays to everyone!

- Rebecca

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Book Cover T-Shirts, Hoodies, and Jackets Now Available!

Check these beauties out, eh? We've gotten a lot of comments on our Ouroboros covers, and thought they'd look great on shirts. So here you go! We have t-shirts, hoodies, and coach jackets available on our TeeSpring site. Go check 'em out at!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Calendar Says January 2023

 So it is, I guess. New year, new – no…not going down that stupid road. Never understood that. I’m me and that’s a take it or leave it package deal. Some can handle me. Others…well, not so much. 

Honestly though, 2023 doesn’t look any different than last year. Feels a helluva lot different though. Good or bad…well that is yet to be decided. Before we get to 2023, let’s talk a bit about 2022 first since I was really lacking on the blogs.

Excuse me while I pour a glass of Jamison…I need the sarcasm to deal with last year’s shenanigans.

This time last year I was all but ready to quit all social media. I was so sick of the crap and the trolls. But instead, I found the unfriend and unfollow buttons, and I punched them with maniacal gusto! Stress level dropped and so did my blood pressure. Who’da thunk…peace managed. If it weren’t for the great fans we have, I would have just ditched it all. But I’m tellin ya, I cannot stand people being hateful just to be hateful. I’m only hoping Karma lets me be a witness when she catches up with them.

Anyhoo...on with some interesting stuff. 

Junkfest News! There were three events that I was able to get to. We got a whole new batch of fans from those fair outings! They were amazing and great fun! A lot of books found new homes. I met a lot of people, got to talk about the books, show off some of our swag and gear, and just really have a good time.

Dragonspawn Weir News! This ranching thing is a world unto itself. It’s not easy, nor hard, just constantly busy.

First animal story. My farrier is out trimming hooves and tells me about a 19-year-old horse that needs a retirement home. She had spent most of her life as a riding stable mount, teaching beginners to ride. She was free and the stable would even deliver her. I know that damn “sucker” neon sign flashed right up on my forehead. Yep, I was getting another horse…or as my husband calls them – holes in the field to throw my money into with no return.

Second animal story. Dragonspawn Weir got its first sheep! We bought a full dozen of the cute little buggers. They were all 6 months old or less, and all little ewe lambs. They were so cute! Rams will come later (no pun intended) to the ranch once the girls are older. Did I mention they were cute? Good thing that…because we quickly learned they are also stupid, so very, very stupid. There are not enough pages in a ream of paper to describe the dumb shit that ensued due to their antics! One ended up with the name “Bucket Head” just to give you an example.

Third animal story. There isn’t one. There should be because when you write examples you do a minimum of three, but that’s not happening here so deal…HAHA! 

**Finishes whiskey** Be back. Need a second round. This one for emotional reinforcement.

The biggest news on the ranch though was my grandmother – who has lived with me since 2003. She turned 100 in the first part of the year. But 7 months later she was gone. Yes, I’m heartbroken. Yes, I miss her terribly. No, I’m not a basket case. No, I’m not always holding it together. That is life…and death.

My grandmother had a spectacular life. She was mouthy, and headstrong, and definitely not a wallflower. Her wit was razor sharp, more like broken glass in a beer bottle fight sharp actually. Not as sharp as my grandfather’s had been, but she could handle herself.

I was her caretaker for so long that it’s hard to realize the freedom I now have. I do not begrudge a single moment that I had her. The house just feels weird without her. I won’t say empty, or hollow, or any of those other phrases, because that’s not the sensation. She was 100, for God’s sake. It was an acknowledged eventuality. She was on soooooo much borrowed time. Having her around as long as I did – and although she needed physical help, mentally she never failed. If we all could be so good right up to the very end… 

**Looks one-eyed into empty glass** Shit, that went quick. Be right back. Pouring another glass just because.

Time to switch gears.

 Now along comes 2023…big plans, big dreams, resolutions and whatever you do, have at it. I’ve got plans and ideas, and not one of them is a “new me.” I just cruise along, drink, and say “dafuq, what the fuck, for fuck’s sake, and fuck it” a lot. Just like I always have. Just like I always will. Sometimes I think I can stop, but then, well, people…it’s the only appropriate thing to say most times!

 There are 4 Junkfests scheduled for this year so come out and see us…or just me probably. Watch our FB page for the events and locations. Rebecca is not a fan of the craft venue thing. She has lamented on that before in her blogs, and I understand why. But if I can get Becca down here she will find that there are real bathrooms in a brick-and-mortar building (not port-a-potties)…so that excuse is now invalid! HAHAHA!!!

 Book VII is still forthcoming. Becca and I have been working on it. Life just keeps getting in the way…but we are making progress. It is slow, but it is not at a standstill. We promise that it is getting attention. Please be patient with us!

To address the rest of the year…one day at a time.

**Upends empty glass** Fuck it, give me that bottle.

– Rya