Wait, what?
I never really got that philosophy. It just never made any kind of sense to me. I will be the same sarcastic person at 12:01am January 1st that I was at 11:59pm December 31st.
Yep, you got it in one, Calvin. |
So what is the big deal with all the “new” stuff? Honestly if there needs to be a change in your life, attitude, or whatever, do it now. Yes, yes, I understand the new year is supposed to symbolize a new beginning. . .but if it will be that beneficial, why wait? Like I already said - that just doesn’t make any sense.
Personally I just go with the flow and if a change needs to be made or addressed then I handle it then; especially because my Swiss cheese sieve of a brain isn’t necessarily going to remember to do it instantly on January 1st. Not to mention the fix to the problem may be right in front of you the moment you discover it. Better to handle it when it occurs – if something really needs to be done at all.
Truly, how many people plan to do something different with themselves or their lives and then get about 3 days into the new year and say “screw this?” (Rebecca, off to the side, is waving frantically, yelling, “Ooo! Ooo! Pick me, pick me!”) New Year’s resolutions rarely make it past the first month – hell I’d venture to say the first week. True life changes happen immediately, when they arise. Many times these things that need changing cannot wait for a set timetable. They simply cannot be ignored and need attention now.
I get it that for many people change is a scary thing. Whether it’s a big change or a little one, the unknown or new can be frightening to some, especially if they are going it alone. Many people can bolster their courage by attaching the change to coincide with the New Year. It’s a well-intentioned mindset. This works at this time of the year because those who are trying to make a change know they are not the only ones. It’s a herd-like mentality that offers a modicum of comfort.
There is a lot at stake with change, so you need to ask yourself a few questions first. Is this change really to my benefit emotionally, physically, or spiritually? Is this something I want to do or am I doing it for someone else? Will the change make me so different that I lose who I am at the core of my being, or will it compliment me as I am? Should I have done this before?
These are hard questions to answer. And no one can answer them for you. In this case you have to go it alone.
Don’t get me wrong. . .if you are one of those who really needs that “New Year’s Resolution” moniker and mindset to make it work, then by all means go for it! I’m just saying that the really important things don’t wait. They can’t in many cases.
So be brave and try to live a little. Believe it or not, change can be good, and even better, change can be fun! If there are things you want to take on, lose, or change around then do them now! Don’t wait! Don’t cheat yourself out of being a better person.
I will give this one small resolution for all who want to heed it – if nothing else, make a point to approach every single day with the intention of being happy. That alone can set you to begin on the right path. I’m not saying things will be perfect or always stay happy, but it makes dealing with things that go wrong far easier. Grab your life in both hands occasionally and shake the living shit out of it. You never know what will fall out and away to make room for something new and exciting. Take on the adventure and run headlong into 2016 with courage and strength. You just might find yourself in a better place.
Happy New Year to you all, from FarCrutch Productions!